Jeshua Septuagint School exists in order to fulfill the Nazarene Missionaries congregation’s mission “The Word of God must be proclaimed.” Christian Education and High School Theology are important element of the entire program of Jeshua Septuagint School using the “SOLA SCRIPTURAE” or Bible and Bible alone. Non-Christian parents are welcome to bring their own religion’s guideline to be used as topics covered in Christian Education for non-Christians.  

As a Christian School, Jeshua Septuagint School provides an environment in which children can grow in their faith and in wisdom to obey the Universal Law and live the life as what Jesus the Nazarene modeled to us. Students pray daily in classroom at the beginning and at the end of the school day. Grace before meals is said at snack and lunchtime. The spiritual growth of children is of the utmost importance. Daily Prayer, Scripture readings, Liturgical celebrations and retreats are an integral part of the Spiritual Formation of students at JSS. The School uses Holy Bible and Bible Curriculum textbooks from United States of America not according to the traditions.  


Jeshua Septuagint School provides holistic education that give students thecapacity to achieve in academic, physical, moral and social goals who aspiretowards holiness and righteousness.
This cohesive and learning institutions committed to lifelong learning andinnovative teaching, a beacon for the mindset of excellence firmly built upon the foundation of Christian Values.


The Jeshua Septuagint School student is an individual of high integrity andm disciplined, who is passionate about life, learning and service to others.


The Setting

It was Advent of 2006. The place was the coastal area of Purok 3 Lunao, Gingoog City.The 31 years old Sister/Mother Rowena was on her way to next the Purok. Day after day she had walked from one house to another preaching and praying for the sick. People would give her little donation to feed the Missionaries

The Promise

One night on her way home she saw plenty of sexy young girls on the street and then tried to seduce sailors from a ship docked at the nearby port. Mother Rowena wanted to redirect their lives. She prayed for God’s guidance. She told God if somebody would give her amakan and coco lumber she promised to build a place for boys and girls so she could personally teach and discipline them well in God’s Truth. Mother Rowena received so many positive response. After some very rough beginnings, she built a makeshift school that catered for small group (5-10 children.)

Fulfilling the Promise

After one year when Mother Rowena went out for her missionary work, she noticed again the young girls and now much younger! Then she remembered her promise. She immediately visited a missionary friend in Davao, who taught her how to apply the DepEd Permit to operate Preschool. The BFJN Youth President and Elementary Teacher, Jayson T. Abao helped Mother Rowena completed the necessary paperwork for starting Jesus the Nazarene Tutorial Center, which later became Jeshua Septuagint School.Mother Rowena brought a BFJN Devotee, Mrs. Teresita Ebardo out of retirement at Public Elementary School in Iligan City. Mrs. Ebardo became Jeshua Septuagint School’s first Principal. She set up the educational system of the school. Seminarians and Missionaries served as the Faculty and Staff. They don’t received a salary for teaching and caring the children. They received regular support from sponsors help provide daily food, clothing, shelter, Bible and learning materials. To comply the DepEd requirement, Mother Rowena hired two teachers. Due to inadequate income, the institution unable to pay employees full salary. Jeshua Septuagint School sells food products, candles, medicinal herbs to supplement the school’s funds for teachers. At the end of the day, however, all Faculty and Staff are dependent upon God to provide the resources that they need to do what God has called them to do. Mother Rowena is very thankful for the individuals who provide support and trusts God to raise up new supporters at the right time when current supporters are no longer able to give or when needs increase.

JSS Today

Since its founding in 2007, JSS is estimated to have provided care and discipline to many children.

The school first consisted of one amakan building and now concrete. There are 20+ staff member. All students from kindergarten to Junior High School are academically equipped and computer literate. JSS has earned multiple accolades in various competitions and contests. Over 90% of JSS students are known for their competence and discipline.


Jeshua Septuagint School respects the dignity of each individual and therefore
will not discriminate based on race, religion or nationality in regard to


Non-Christian students enrolled in Jeshua Septuagint School are required to
participate to the same extent in all school activities (curricular and extra-
curricular) and courses of study as students.

We are still accepting enrollments.